All City stems from an innate desire to become familiar with one's surroundings, building knowledge & awareness through observation of the patterns & rhythms that constitute our daily lives. With ever increasing rates of re-development, this mission has taken on a new found sense of urgency & realisation.

The work consists of a series of reactions to the currently chaotic state in which seemingly steadfast locations have been reduced to mere fragments of their former selves. Whilst not arguing against concept of change, these pieces aim to question the context of change and how this may affect an individual’s perspective on a situation.

Lee employs painting, sculpture and environmental installation in order to interpret the world around him, whilst also paying homage to the often overlooked elements of everyday existence. His black and white geometric abstractions warp with a certain compositional density and offer a cropped reality inspired by road work and construction.

Over the past 10 years Lee has exhibited work both locally and internationally, started the subversive media outlet Pil Press and was a founding member of the Online Zine Org, a group which seeks to encourage and facilitate publishing & independant culture in Sydney.