Aedan Lee is a multi disciplinary artist currently based in Sydney. His practice employs painting, sculpture and photography in order to understand the world around him, whilst also paying homage to the often over looked elements of everyday existence.

Over the past 10 years he has exhibited work both locally and internationally, been an assistant to numerous established artists and worked closely with China Heights, an independent gallery space in Surry Hills, Sydney. He is a founding member of the (in)famous O.Z.O, a group which seek to encourage and facilitate publishing in Sydney. As well as this, Aedan has started a subversive media outlet, Pil Press, which has been producing artist books, hand printed fanzines & other ephemera since 2013.


Born 1989, Works in Sydney Australia


2010 - Advanced diploma, Graphic design - Design Centre Enmore

2017 - User Experience Design Immersive Program - General Assembly



2020 - Cadre - China Heights Gallery - Sydney

2019 - Disruptive Pattern Material with Edward Woodley - Burton  Project Space, Sydney.

2018 - ALL CITY - Campbell St Projects, Sydney

2018 - Asymmetric Archaeology - China Heights Gallery, Sydney



2019 - Works on Paper - China Heights Gallery, Sydney

2018 - A Show for Love - Campbell Project Space, Sydney

2018 - Ozone Exchange, Campbell Project Space, Sydney

2017 - Works on Paper - China Heights Gallery, Sydney

2017 - Feet First Fair - Milan, Italy

2017 - Absolutely - JDH, Sydney

2015 - Works on Paper - China Heights Gallery, Sydney

2014 - Stockroom - Tate, Sydney

2012 - Heavy Press. - Kind of- Gallery, Sydney.

2011- Demon Hell Riders - The Rag Factory, London

2009 - Young Guns - China Heights Gallery, Sydney.

2007 - Heights 100th Group show - China Heights Gallery, Sydney.



2018 - Finalist Greenway Art Prize

2017 - Founding member of O.Z.O (Online Zine Org)

2013 - Founded Pil Press, Independent publishing outlet